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7:07 p.m. - 2018-01-09
As I drove home from work today, I turned the radio to my favorite classical station. I had this thought in my head of how much I love classical music, due to the fact that there's little chance you'll know every song, or even have heard of it before. There's no voice that you can pinpoint exactly who it is that's playing.

You see, I am someone who has the memory of events tied to music. Almost any song that I love is tied to some event in my life that I will forever associate with it.

As I was having this thought in my head about the song that was playing...I kept thinking to myself...this is why I love music...Let it play, don't think about what it means, just live in this moment with this beautiful piece playing in the background.

I immediately had this emotional tie to this song, thinking I had never heard it before(another perk of classic radio is they never play any kind of loop).I had this sadness that washed over me thinking that I might not ever know what the song was called, as I love to play songs over and over until I can't anymore. As the painfully beautiful piece ended, they say the name of the composer and I caught just the first words of the piece's title. I forced myself to at least remember his name. Thinking that I could look it up later and maybe reading the titles of his music might spark my memory.

Here I am, at my computer, I found his name and a list of his solo compositions. I found the song. I started to play it, and then looked up more of his work, only to find out that I have heard this song before...and it was in realizing where I had heard it, that I now sit here with tears streaming from my eyes.

A sign. Another sign. Although I'm not sure what it means.

I spent that trip with him, 3. I saw that movie with him. I cried at the end of that movie, with the crushing weight on my heart that this woman had lost her child. This seemingly meaningless song on the radio...was the main track that played at the beginning and end of this movie...a movie that was about the beginning and ending of life, about the circular nature of everything.

I felt a hit to my chest when I was able to place this song...and I'm choosing to surrender to whatever it's supposed to make me feel.

For the first time in a while...I really cried about this whole situation. and now, I'm ready for bed.


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